Report Highlights Local Biodiversity

Report Highlights Local Biodiversity

Local North Lanarkshire Wildlife and Biodiversity

See below the amended article from North Lanarkshire Council on its local biodiversity.

“You might not notice at first glance but take a closer look and North Lanarkshire is rich in wildlife. From ancient woodlands to peat moorlands, bean geese to red squirrels, rivers and lochs, wildflower meadows and parks.

“We have published our Biodiversity Duty Report for 2015-2018. This highlights the many ways we’re working to improve our green spaces and local environment.

“Countryside Rangers and green space teams manage nine Local Nature Reserves. In addition, they manage 380 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservations, three countryside parks and hundreds of hectares of open space.

“A number of successful projects are highlighted in the Duty Report and have contributed to improving biodiversity across the area.

“There are many ways for residents and visitors to enjoy our local green spaces and get involved. For example, taking a walk in our country parks or volunteering to help at a nature reserve. And, you can attend events run by Countryside Rangers to learn more about local wildlife and biodiversity.

What’s Happened So Far…

  • Floating islands have been created at Drumpellier Country Park and Garnqueen. In order to provide habitats for sub aquatic vegetation, breeding wetland birds and invertebrates.
  • Work at Gartcosh Local Nature Reserve to protect the populations of great crested newts and other species during construction of the Glenboig Link Road.
  • Community consultation and survey work on a river restoration project at Dumbreck Marsh Local Nature Reserve.
  • In partnership with Buglife and with local communities, we transformed five areas of amenity grassland into colourful wildflower meadows. Over 1900 people took part in bug walks, survey days and workshops.
  • Four bog restoration projects have been completed at Greenhead Moss, Broadwood Moss, Cathburn Moss and North Shotts Moss, with funding from Scottish Natural Heritage.
  • With funding from the council and Viridor, a wildlife garden was created with help from Calderbank Conservation Society.
  • A native woodland management plan for Hall Gill at Cambusnethan Woodlands Local Nature Reserve was developed, in partnership with Network Rail and Scottish Natural Heritage. Above all, to achieve the standard required to be included in the Clyde Valley Woods Special Area of Conservation.”

Adapted from North Lanarkshire Council

Furthermore, you can find out more about what’s happening in the local area, plus news, information and offers at Red Deer Village.