Why You Should Take Up A New Hobby Now!


Happy New Year! Whilst you might not have made any resolutions for 2017, a brand new year does lend itself to starting something new. You have the whole year ahead of you to try new things that might change your life forever!

With a more manageable sized home and garden we know that living at Red Deer can free up time you’ve never had before. This is a fantastic point in your life to take up a hobby you’ve always been interested in. We know it can be tempting to use your free time to simply kick back and relax – which you can still do – but there are a whole host of reasons why dedicating a few hours a week to a hobby can benefit you in the long run!

Keeping Active

There’s nothing new about the fact that keeping fit will be beneficial to you. By getting your heart rate up every now and then you are going to increase your state of health for the better; both physically and mentally.

This doesn’t necessarily have to mean sweating it out at the gym or on a run – unless this is something you do enjoy doing. Why not pick a hobby that gets you moving, but is also fun! There are a number of hobbies to choose from. Is there a sport you’ve always been interested in trying? Is there a local class you like the look of? Stop wondering and get trying!

Learning a New Skill

There’s nothing more satisfying than learning a new skill. From the initial challenge you face right through to becoming the master of a skill – you’ll experience a great sense of achievement!

Not only that, learning a new skill is a fantastic way to keep the brain ticking over. Of course taking up crosswords and sudokus will help support brain function, but so to can learning the rules of a sport or the trick to perfecting a craft.

Getting Sociable

Finally, one of the best bits about starting a new hobby is meeting like-minded people. The social aspect of a hobby can enhance the activity immensely. In particular, if you choose to learn a new skill, start a class or join a sports team as they will be there to support you. Furthermore, if you choose to take up something nearby you’re more likely to get to know your local community. If you’re new to an area this could be an invaluable experience to kick-start your new life there.

If you’re feeling brave take on a hobby on your own. It’ll give you an immense sense of accomplishment and you’ll be more inclined to speak to other people at the class/group/club. However, taking on a new activity with a friend could be a great way for you to catch up whilst both achieving something.

Finding Your New Hobby

There are lots of ways to find your new hobby. One of the best things you can do is to ask your neighbours for advice on local activities and they will be able to introduce you around. You can also look on local community boards.

If you’ve just moved to Red Deer Village you might want to have a look at the following websites for inspiration:





If you try something and don’t like it – don’t give up! There is a hobby out there for everyone depending what it is you want to get out of it. It could open up a whole new and exciting chapter of your life.